Simple, intelligent, and beautiful website design & development.



My challenge was to build an artist portfolio that brought diverse projects and mediums all together into an unified narrative.




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This portfolio site needed to exhibit visual arts, essays, music, design, and videography all within a single comprehensive space.

XYZ Design | Bryce Willem Artist Website - Symbols Thumbnail

The goal of this site was to increase accessibility to my personal artistic practice. Previous versions of the portfolio proved unsuccessful due to how all the different mediums and projects were segregated. I started from scratch to consider the most essential ingredients of the site and my artistic identity.

I set two objectives: 1) Present each project in the most impactful way it can be displayed online. 2) make all the content as immediately accessible and navigable as possible within a screen. I curated over a decade's worth work across all mediums and drafted specialized gallery displays for each individual project. The featured projects were all made accessible through a single immediate click on the homepage. My audience is primarily on mobile, so the site was meticulously designed to resize and retain its impact on smaller screens.

The number of visitors to each individual project increased over 500% from the previous site. The overall volume of traffic doubled (108% increase). People are more engaged and reactive to the online portfolio than ever before. Most importantly, this increased exposure has brought about new opportunities and artistic business.

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Need an artful
online identity?


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